In the passage from the Letter to the Hebrews we hear that the high priest is chosen by God to off sacrifices for sins. No one takes this honor upon himself! We hear that Jesus did not take on the role as high priest for His own glory, but for the glory of His Father. Jesus humbled Himself, taking our human nature, so we could better understand how God wants us to be in union with Him, how we are to live, that we can be forgiven for our sins, and to show us how much He loves us.
We hear of the priest Melchizedek, that obscure figure from the Book of Genesis. If you recall, Abram, as he was known then, went to rescue his nephew Lot. Abram and his men defended those who had taken Lot and on their return trip were greeted by Melchizedek, King of Salem, who brought out bread and wine and he blessed Abram. We see in this action a prefiguration of Jesus and of our Ministerial priests. Some bible scholars wonder if Melchizedek was indeed God? We have no firm teaching regarding this priest, however, we hear the author of Hebrews use Melchizedek as the order Jesus belongs to.
We do not often dwell on the role of our priests but it is important to be aware of the function of our priests. A priest offers sacrifice; that is the main job of our priests. Through their ordination priests are conformed to Christ the Head and at the Mass represent the Last Supper and crucifixion of Jesus, though in a bloodless manner. This is the one, true, perfect sacrifice, offered once – for all.
Our priests are also in the line of Melchizedek, and they too bring us bread and wine which is transfigured into the Precious Body and Blood of Jesus, our great high priest. Here we have God offering Himself to us, inviting us to join into union with Him in a most beautiful and loving way. This is why we need to pray for our priests, to help them live their priestly role in union with Jesus, bearing them up in times of trial and temptation. Without our priests we would not have the Eucharist or any of the sacraments. Without the sacraments we would be a Church without Jesus.
Deacon Ray