This past weekend it was nice to return home and have the wedding of two students of mine from the school I once had. I also prepared them for Confirmation. Having connections just reminds us as our readings did that we are all members of the one Body of Christ.

Another connection for us is our Catholic Schools. This past week has been National Catholic Schools Week. As a nation we have supported or attacked Catholic schools depending on time and location. It is a blessing for us here at St. Peter parish to host the middle school.  There are over 200 hundred students and more are projected for next year. We should do all we can to support our parents in passing on the faith. Catholic schools have been doing that for hundreds of years. Society has many messages to pass on to our children. Catholic schools only have the message of Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Another aspect of living and growing in the faith is through a pilgrimage. Pope Francis is highlighting that during the Jubilee year. Bishop Battersby also has named different locations around the diocese as pilgrim sites for the Jubilee year. Deacon Ray also reminded us of the gaining of indulgences as an act of charity for those who still need purification to enter heaven.  As long as we are here on earth we are pilgrims making our way to our eternal homeland. Being a pilgrim of hope is so needed in our world these days. So the encouragement is to grow in our faith daily so that knowing Jesus all the more, the more easily we can share that relationship with others.

I take this opportunity to plug the parish pilgrimage in 2026 for our 150th anniversary as a parish. The brochures are in the office. More information is available by contacting Julie at I am hoping to have another meeting for those who missed it because of the weather or for those who just need more time to think it over. Of course I would say, if you can, don’t think, just sign up!