Today we hear the familiar story of Jesus multiplying the five loaves and two fishes in order to feed five thousand. Perhaps you’ve heard this Gospel passage many times and it has become a bit too familiar. This can happen to us when we hear or do something frequently. The same can happen with our presence at the Mass. We may attend Mass on Sunday and allow ourselves to become callous to the presence of Jesus in the Precious Body and Blood and forget how awesome this is. Just to be allowed into the presence of God should make us quake in our shoes!
We have to wonder what was going through the minds of those who had seen the miracle of multiplication. If they were paying attention they would have noticed there was no large amount of food present, and then there was enough that everyone could be fed. There is no way to make sense of this using our simple human minds. The same can be said of what takes place at Mass, where we witness the miracle of transubstantiation. No one can adequately explain how the simple gifts of bread and wine become Jesus’ Precious Body and Blood, other than the words of Jesus; “This is my body; this is my blood.” Yet that is what we believe happens.
As we progress through this Eucharistic Revival I urge everyone to contemplate just what we are allowed to partake of. This is no mere symbol, rather the actual Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior! If you do not believe it is really Jesus, I suggest you refrain from consuming the Eucharist. Do some spiritual reading on the Catholic teaching surrounding this Sacrament of Sacraments. Open your heart and mind and allow belief to enter in. You must come to belief on your own, no one can force this upon anyone. When you come to believe in the Real Presence you will find an inner peace and joy. Your spiritual hunger will be satisfied. Seek understanding of this amazing gift. And may God bless you!
Deacon Ray