The Mission Cooperative program which, at our parish, has been around for decades, is a wonderful opportunity for the whole church. We get a chance to learn more about the needs of our brothers and sisters around the world. With Fr. Gus being our missionary, we will hear more about the Church in Ghana. Normally it is a chance for a priest from around the world to experience the Church here in the Diocese of La Crosse. It is our chance to generously reach out to help build up the Body of Christ as St. Paul writes about in his letters. We may never meet or witness, yet are a definite part of.
For St. Casimir, a reminder of our upcoming Finance Meeting; your presence is important as we only meet quarterly. It is the end of the fiscal year, so this is a good opportunity to give thanks for what we have been able to accomplish this past year.
Just looking ahead, the Jubilee Mass is right around the corner. How quickly those 25 years have gone. I can only be grateful to God for so many graces. I am grateful for the many who are working behind the scenes to prepare things for a great celebration; another way of building up the Body of Christ. This also turns my mind to vocations and the prayer from the program of Fr. David Nowicki’s ordination this past June.
Prayer for Priests: “O God, who made your Only Begotten Son eternal High Priest, grant that those He has chosen as ministers and stewards of your mysteries may be found faithful in carrying out the ministry they have received. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.” St. John Vianney, pray for us!
In this month of July, we also have some great saints to intercede for us. Many know St. Benedict and his medal. That he is considered the father of western monasticism and his rule of life is still used hundreds of years later by many religious communities. Perhaps less well known is St. Bonaventure. As a Franciscan, he led the order as the minister general and taught many in his day a more organized understanding of theology and philosophy to prepare the friars to proclaim Jesus in word and deed. One of his great writings was the Journey of the Soul to God.
All of these remind us that we are not alone but members of the Body of Christ and can rely on each other for prayer and support.