I hope your new year is off to a good start. With the beginning of anything there are high hopes and expectations. Many make plans for the new year or use that day as a time of change. Others often make new year resolutions for positive change in their lives. The new year is a good time I believe to build a firm foundation in which to build upon all year long.
I too am making plans but not for 2025. I am looking out to 2026 and organizing a pilgrimage to Rome for our parish’s 150th anniversary. There will be a meeting on January 19th after the 10:30 am Mass for those interested in or just wondering about what this pilgrimage looks like. As we are early, more information will be coming. I invite you to find out more. If such a meeting doesn’t work and you want more information, please contact Julie Studinski at 715-340-4846. Her email address is juliestud@gmail.com.
This Sunday is Epiphany, the visit of the Magi. It moves us more deeply into the Christmas season and the Good News of God with us is being made known to the gentiles. For many it is also the time to bless their home with an Epiphany blessing. We are providing that blessing and chalk so that families can do that. In that way all who visit their home will see the blessing in chalk above their doorways all year long. It is also a great devotion to have holy water fonts in your home. In the back of the church is the Holy Water reservoir. You should feel free to take that holy water home and use it to bless yourself or children on a regular basis. Perhaps 2025 will be a year for you to find or begin a personal or family devotion that will make God’s presence more clearly felt and experienced. May the New Year be filled with blessings for you.
— Fr. John Potaczek