This past week the Deanery had its youth ministry meeting. There are a number of events planned for our young people in this upcoming academic year. I encourage you to buy the Youth Ministry Summer sweepstakes tickets or attend the movie under the stars at St. Stephen parish on August 24th. This encourages and supports activities for our young people from the parish. It is a great moment also to consider the ways that we support our young people in the faith when the world around them discourages them so much in so many ways.

This past week we celebrated the Assumption of the Blessed Mary. Outside of Mass, how did you celebrate it? As it is a solemnity, how did you make it any different then the other days of the week? Great feast days are our opportunity to lean into the faith. This week we have the feast days of: St. John Eudes, St. Bernard, St. Pius X, The queenship of Mary, St. Rose of Lima, and St. Bartholomew. Take a moment to ask for their intercession in your life this week and find a way to celebrate them as heroes of the faith.

Looking ahead, school will soon be starting. Keep all students 4k-college in your prayers. A new year or new anything can be hard and change can be difficult. We too are called to be lifelong learners in the faith, so what can we do to mature in the faith? Reminder that as we get into the school year the students from the Middle School will be at the 8 am Mass on Tuesdays. After Mass on Sunday next week I will be heading to Kansas to spend a few days with classmates as they mark their Silver Jubilee. So prayers for safe travel are appreciated.

Preparations and the actual work on the front steps of the church will be beginning that week too. Weather has pushed the work schedule back so keep good weather for the project in your prayers. This is one of the big projects that is part of the “Inspired by the Spirit” campaign for our parish at St. Peter. I encourage you to keep up your pledges towards it. If you haven’t made a pledge towards it, we are happy to help you do so as every bit helps in such a large project. Maintaining our parish is no small project and all those who volunteer to care for it, big and small, are appreciated. As our spiritual home, there is a need to grow our members and nourish those who are here while providing a prayerful space for us all to give thanks and proper worship to our heavenly Father for all the blessings we have received.


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