In this month of the Rosary, a month for Mary who always shows us to her Son, I would like to share with you further points from Life Teen about our young people. Because like Mary we too are to bring others to Jesus so that they may also come to know Him more deeply.
For Gen Z they “watch an average of 68 videos a day.” According to the report “young people today are more open to spiritual exploration and spiritual experiences than previous generations. This presents an opportunity to shepard this desire for faith into a deeper understanding of Christ and His Church.” That is why you will notice in this coming year events and activities for our young people that are being shared between St. Peter, St. Casimir, St. Joseph and St. Stephen parishes and the reason behind the Summer sweepstakes event.
“43% of Gen Z Catholic Youth believes in the True Presence of the Eucharist.” On the other hand “1 in 3 teens (30%) claim a Christian identity but do not have a relationship with Christ.” Here again, I encourage you to invite our young people to adoration. But also by your own witness to show them how to pray; how you have entered a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Gen Z “spend 4 hours and 15 minutes daily on social media and consume vast amounts of short-form video content at a fast pace.” That is what is often shaping the hearts and minds of our young people. So simply telling them something once is not going to do it. Your encouragement and witness to them in the faith needs to be daily.
“According to the National Study of Youth and Religion (NSYR) conducted at the University of Notre Dame, there are two critical decision points for young people in their faith journey:
1. From grade school to high school: will they continue to be Catholic after Confirmation and in High School?
2. From high school to college or the workforce: Will they stay Catholic as adults? Additionally, recent Pew research shows that religious disaffiliation typically happens between the ages of 15 and 29.”
So lift up all of our young people and those who are walking with them on their faith journey this month when you offer your Rosary and invoke Mary to help them come closer to Jesus.