This weekend has our last wedding of the calendar year. Keep this couple in your
prayers as they begin their life together now as husband and wife. Society has us focus on
ourselves and what we can gain in life. Marriage calls us to focus on the other person, which as
so many know, is not so easy and requires grace. This past Tuesday was the deanery meeting
with the Bishop present. He has been to almost all the deaneries of our diocese. What a great
way to come to know the deaneries and the diocese itself. Pray for Bishop Battersby as he
settles in and will be returning to the Stevens Point area in November for the celebration of the
sacrament of Confirmation.
The Family Life Committee has its meeting coming up. This group is rather busy and I
encourage you to be a part of all the activities that it offers throughout the year. A different type
of meeting is for our Confirmation students. Deacon Ray and I will have some time to sit down
with each of our candidates. Our young people also need prayers in discerning what God wants
of them. But also how to be in the world but not of the world, caught up in empty pursuits that
are not fulfilling as is God’s plans for them. Of course that does not mean that God’s plan is
I would like to share with you two points from the Life Teen report from this summer.
First, “today’s teens navigate a barrage of pressures that were intensified by the pandemic–from
social media’s dominance of their lives to depression, gender dysphoria, and political division.
These pressures lead to disillusionment and a profound lack of genuine connection. This
complex landscape offers a pivotal opportunity for Catholic ministry, as teens’ deep-seated
desire for belonging and authentic relationships has never been more critical.” Second, “today’s
youth, including middle schoolers, teenagers and adults, belong to ‘Generation Z’ and ‘Gen
Alpha’. Generation Z includes those born between 1995 and 2015, while Gen Alpha includes
those born after 2010. These generations are unlike any generation before them due to the
profound influence of technology and global connectivity on their upbringing.” This should set
the stage for further points for us to reflect on as we consider the manner in which we share the
faith with our young people.