In the reading from James today the author states; “Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice.” The author then counters with; “But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits without inconstancy or insincerity.” So we see two paths we can take; one leads to disorder, while the other leads to order and peace. I believe this is a struggle we all face, all through our lives. We struggle because of our fallen nature, the Church calls this concupiscence- that desire in our hearts to do things our way rather than God’s way. Luckily, we have some powerful resources to help us overcome our selfish desires, one being the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Mary was conceived without original sin, so she did not face the challenge we face of the constant battle within. She was chosen for the special role of the mother of our Lord and she is someone we can approach for assistance. She has access to Jesus and wants to lead us to Him. Mary is known as the Mediatrix of All Graces and can offer us God’s grace, if we but only ask. This devotion to Mary may seem too much for some, but those who have this special devotion to Mary know her love and find peace. Just to be clear, we worship God only, but we revere and pray to Mary and all the saints, asking them to intercede for us.
It is with this wonderful aspect of the Church we are invited to get to know Mary better. We have an opportunity this week, Monday, Sept. 23rd and Tuesday, Sept. 24th to learn about Our Lady of Guadalupe, just one of the titles of Mary, at our upcoming parish mission. Fr. Tim Oudenhoven, Director of Marian Messengers will lead our mission. I encourage everyone to attend and learn about Mary in this role and seek her intercession. The author of the Letter of James could be describing her, when he states; “the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace,” because Mary is a righteous person who knows and cultivates peace. Let’s seek to know her more fully and become like her. I’ll see you at the mission!
Deacon Ray