In the Gospel passage today we hear Jesus reads from the Prophet Isaiah and indicates He is the fulfillment of this passage. He is saying Isaiah was speaking of Him when he writes that “the spirit of the Lord is upon me.” This passage of Isaiah ends with the wonderful pronouncement of “and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” In essence, Jesus is pronouncing a “Jubilee” year.

It was the tradition of the Jewish people to celebrate a jubilee year. This was a time where debts were forgiven, land was restored to those who had lost it, the land was given a year of rest as were the people. While that was what our ancestors in faith celebrated, we too are called to celebrate a Jubilee year in 2025. Our celebration is different from that of the Jews of old. We celebrate in a different way, recalling that we are pilgrims here on earth, people on a journey toward God.

Pope Francis has declared that each of us should be pilgrims of hope. All too often our journey is not filled with hope, rather we become filled with despair due to the struggles we face. But we must never forget we are a people of hope; hope in eternal life with God after our journey here, this earthly pilgrimage, is completed.

A big part of our Christian Jubilee year is a pilgrimage. This can be as grand as a pilgrimage to Rome to visit St. Peter’s Basilica or the Holy Land, to a pilgrimage to one of the holy churches designated by Bishop Battersby within our diocese. The purpose of these pilgrimages is to deepen our connection with God, to encounter God, seek forgiveness, and to remember the gifts God has blessed us with. Another aspect of a pilgrimage is to gain the Plenary Jubilee Indulgence. This indulgence can be applied to those who have passed away and are in Purgatory. Just think of the prayers those who gain Heaven because of our indulgence will say for us! To gain this indulgence you can perform the spiritual or corporal works of mercy, or to pray for the Holy Father, receive Holy Communion, and go to confession within 21 days of your pilgrimage. The holy churches designated by Bishop Battersby are; the St. Joseph the Workman Cathedral, the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe both in La Crosse, Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Eau Claire, Church of the Resurrection Catholic Church in Wausau, and Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church in Nekoosa. I urge each of you to go on pilgrimage in this Jubilee Year!

Deacon Ray

Categories: Deacon Ray