Let us celebrate Holy Week
Together Through Live-Streaming
St. Peter Parish

We are left in self-isolation in order to protect ourselves against the spreading of Coronavirus. Even though the Covid-19 has separated us physically and restricted us from coming together for celebrating the most important Mysteries of our faith: the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, during the Holy Week, let us remain united spiritually.

The Liturgical services of the Holy Week will be celebrated privately in our Parish Church and it will be live-streamed. It is going to be a private celebration by me; but you will all remain united with me spiritually in the celebration as a Parish family through live-streaming. Even if you fail to remain united during the time of the celebration, you can do so even later at your convenience, since it will be on our Parish website (stpeter.us) and Facebook (Saint Peter Catholic Church).

Please note the times of the celebrations:

• Palm Sunday at 7:30 a.m.
• Holy Thursday at 4:00 p.m.
• Good Friday at 12:15 p.m.
• Holy Saturday at 8:00 p.m.
• Easter Sunday at 7:30 a.m.

In order to restrict the number within 9 persons at any time in one place, as per Governor’s order, the Church doors will remain locked for 2 hours for others to enter during the celebration.

As a reminder, blessed palms will be available for pickup in the Faustina Room anytime after 9 am on Palm Sunday, April 5th.

Most importantly, I request you to remain safe, maintaining the social distancing. I keep you all in my prayers and offer you to Our Lord every morning.

May Our Blessed Mother Mary and St. Joseph safeguard you through their intercession.

May God bless you
Fr. Arul Joseph V.


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