Why buy Scrip?
It earns money for St. Peter’s Middle School.
What is Scrip?
St. Peter’s Parish purchases gift cards at a discount. Each retailer or restaurant offers a different rebate rate. For example, Metro Market gives the School $4 for every $100 purchased. Trig’s gives the school $3 for every $100 purchased.
Where can I buy Scrip?
- Send in a paper order form at a Weekend Mass and pickup the gift cards from the Sacristy at the next weekend’s mass. Please include your phone number in case we need to contact you about your order.
- Stop into the Parish Office during office hours and buy physical gift cards.
How do I pay for your Scrip?
Cash or check. Checks should be made out to St. Peter’s Parish.
Questions, email or call: stpeters@pacellicatholicschools.com or 715.344.6115