St. Peter’s Rosary Society was established and organized in October, 1878. The Rosary Society’s overlying mission is about keeping a daily living rosary and receiving Holy Communion in a body on the first Sunday of each month to promote greater spiritual growth among its members, and, in general, for the propagation of the faith.
Our society helps to defray the cost of candles for the church and contributes towards the funding of vestments for the Priest and Altar Servers. Worthy projects/causes which come up throughout the year are addressed and discussed at our meetings and followed up on accordingly.
The St. Peter’s Rosary Society provides financial help in the form of sponsoring two scholarships for students who are in 8th grade who want to continue their education in a Catholic High School.
Once you are a member of the St. Peter’s Rosary Society, you are also considered a member of the National Council of Catholic Women. Through its affiliated organizations, they support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service.
All women of St. Peter’s Parish are eligible for membership in our Rosary Society which meets four times a year. We gladly welcome your interest and support.