Altar Servers

St. Peter’s Parish offers the opportunity to serve God and the parish community at the altar. Altar servers assist the priest and deacon at regular Masses, weddings, funerals, and special holy day services. Training and guidance will be provided. A special altar server fun event is scheduled during the summer. Servers may select a specific weekend Mass time to be scheduled and may choose to be scheduled at their convenience. This is a great faith-forming opportunity for members of our parish. The alter server reports to the Sacristy at least 15 minutes before the Mass-time.

Ministers of the Word of God (Lectors)

Ministers of the Word of God have the opportunity to proclaim the Word of God during the Holy Mass. In the absence of a deacon, the lector processes with the altar servers and the Priest carrying the Book of the Gospels and reads the General Intercessions. Lectors may select a specific weekend Mass time to be scheduled and may choose to be scheduled at their convenience. Appropriate attire is required when serving as Ministers of the Word. Ministers should prepare by studying the scriptures and practice their reading aloud. The minister reports to the Sacristy at least 10 minutes before Mass. Instructions and training will be provided prior to being scheduled.

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (Eucharistic Ministers)

Bishops, priests and deacons, by virtue of their ordination, are the ordinary or usual ministers of Holy Communion at Mass. A priest may ask extraordinary (“out of the ordinary”) ministers to assist him in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Saint Peter’s Parish uses a form called “intinction”, where the Precious Body is placed into a chalice containing the Precious Blood and offered to those coming to Holy Communion  while pronouncing “The Body and Blood of Christ”. These ministers may select a specific weekend Mass time to be scheduled and may choose to be scheduled at their convenience. Appropriate attire is required, including a cross necklace as a symbol of the ministry. Eucharistic Ministers should report to the Sacristy at least 10 minutes before Mass. Instructions and training will be provided prior to being scheduled.

Ushers (Ministers of Hospitality)

The main duty of the Ministers of Hospitality is to provide a warm greeting and welcome to those coming to participate in the Mass. Ushers help the participants to find seating in crowded situations and are available to answer questions and assist should an emergency occur. The ushers also choose a family to be gift bearers. Other duties include assisting in an orderly procession to receive Communion and taking up the collection and bringing it to the base of the Sanctuary. In order to properly greet the congregation, ushers are asked to come to Mass at least 20 minutes before Mass begins. Appropriate attire is required including either an ushers red jacket or an ushers cross. Proper attire helps identify the ushers to the congregation for emergencies or questions. Ushers may select a specific weekend Mass time to be scheduled and may choose to be scheduled at their convenience.


The sacristan prepares the Altar and the credence table, lays out the priest’s vestments, and prepares the offertory gifts before Mass. The sacristan keeps order in the sacristy and makes sure everything runs as smooth as possible. Some tasks involved in this are making sure the needed ministers are present, making sure the altar servers are properly dressed, that everyone knows their role, and taking care of last minute needs for the Mass. After Mass the sacristan makes sure everything is properly purified and placed in the proper places. The sacristan usually comes 45 minutes to an hour before Mass and stays about half an hour after Mass. At the present time we are looking for someone to fill in on occasion or to rotate weekday or weekend Masses.

Church Cleaners

This group of dedicated parishioners meets once a week on Thursday to clean the church and entryways. Extra help is always welcome, even if it is not on a regular basis. Sweeping, dusting, and vacuuming are the main duties. This group works on Thursday morning after the Mass to keep our Church clean and tidy. Instructions will be provided to any volunteers.