Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

“God put Abraham to the test.” These words from our first reading for the second Sunday of Lent are very fitting for our times. It is certainly true to say that we have all been put to the test. We have all suffered much with this covid 19 virus. We have suffered separation from family and friends. We have also found ourselves separated as a parish family during this past year plus. Not only were the church’s closed down, but we still have people who are not yet quite ready to come back due to health concerns. Rightfully so! Though we have found ourselves separated from one another; the one person whom we have not been separated from unless we desired it was God. God has been with us all throughout this time of testing.

“If God is for us, who can be against us!” This question is also a good one for us to ponder on the second Sunday of Lent. If we let it our sufferings and trials could separate us from God. Yet, we know that we have something greater than what the world can give us with God. God gives us the hope of the resurrection that awaits us all. We see this prefigured in the great story of the Transfiguration of Jesus in today’s gospel. The Transfiguration was meant to give the disciples hope as they prepared to endure the great separation they would experience from Jesus when his physical presence was taken from them in death.  No matter what happens God is with us on every step of our journey. God will never allow himself to be separated from us. My prayer for all of you the family of St. Peter and say Casimir Parish is that you will never allow anything to separate you from God either. For God is with us always. May our continued embracing of our Lenten discipline help us to stay in touch with the God who remains with us. No matter what test we might have to endure God is there. The resurrection is our hope that will get us through these trying times. May the promise of new life that comes from our loving God help us to know that God is always with us.

I would encourage us to remain in touch with our brothers and sisters whether by phone, email, letter, zoom or other means of virtual connection, and by simply praying for each other during this time.  May God bless you. Let no test or suffering separate us from the love of God that comes to us through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Fr. Todd Mlsna

Associate Pastor