During the Liturgical Season of Lent we are all called to continue our faith journey and are invited to have continued conversion. Each of us are called to the three Lenten disciplines; prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Each of these disciplines can be a powerful way for us to draw closer to God and recall the love He gives us each day, then give ourselves more fully to Him.
The Lenten season is an especially powerful time for those who are converting to Catholicism, or completing their initiation sacraments. We are blessed to have two candidates for the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist this year who will become members of our Church at the Easter Vigil. They have been undergoing instruction in the faith and now enter into a time of purification and enlightenment along with us. The Church helps to welcome and prepare people coming into our faith with a special rite on the first Sunday of Lent; the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion held at the cathedral in La Crosse.
Bishop Callahan invites the catechumens and candidates to gather in for this rite and we pray with and for those who will be baptized, confirmed, and receive holy communion (the catechumens), as well as those who have already been baptized in another Christian denomination and will be confirmed and receive holy communion (the candidates) at the Easter Vigil. This is an exciting time for them and for us, who welcome them and encourage them with our prayers. I ask you to keep the two candidates, Lexi and Connor in your prayers during this Lenten Season and beyond. It’s always exciting to see someone interested in our faith taking the time to be instructed in the faith and hungering for communion with God!
Deacon Ray