Dear Family of St. Peter Parish

On Tuesday, August 24, the students and staff of our Pacelli Catholic school system began the new school year. As our students and teachers come back together for another year of learning our prayers are with them. We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide teacher, student, and staff member alike to help our students grow in their relationship with the Lord.

How do we grow in our relationship with God? Our readings for this weekend give us a great idea on how to do that. The way we grow in our relationship with the Lord is by listening to him. Our loving God gives us the tools that we need for relationship. I call them tools to relationship. God calls them commandments. We are told in our first reading not to add or subtract to any of the statutes which our Lord has given us.  I wonder how different our present situation would be if as a nation we listened to the Lord and took his words to heart.

God also tells us in our second reading that we are not only to be listeners to his word. We also need to be doers of his word. This means we have to do some sort of action to show that we care for the poor. What action are we going to do this week to show that we care for the poor? Perhaps one thing we can do is make a monetary donation to an organization like Catholic charities whose ministry it is to help those who are in need. God does not just want us to be spectators on our journey of faith. God also wants us to do the work involved in living our faith. Part of the work that we are called to do is to humbly welcome the word of God into our everyday lives

As our students get ready once again to listen to their teachers, so that they can learn, may we to continue to listen to the loving words of our Lord who continues to teach us what it means to be a faithful disciple. Let us pray this week that not only will we listen to the Lord’s words, but we will put it into action through the loving concern we show for all God’s people. May God bless you, and keep you close to him always.

Father Todd Mlsna