April continues to be a busy month! There are events going on all over keeping all busy and engaged. This Sunday at St. Casimir’s Parish is a breakfast. This occasion is one of the happier events. You may also have noticed the number of funerals lately. There are more to come with funerals happening at St. Casimir, St. Peter, and St. Adalbert’s Parishes. Please keep all of these families in your prayers as they mourn their loved ones. We must emphasize keeping the hope of the resurrection before our eyes and in our hearts. Discovering what helps keep the hope alive is challenging as you undergo loss. Praying for those who have lost someone is a beautiful way to put faith into action.
Our Religious Education program for the year has now come to an end. We have over 35 students from St. Peter/St. Casimir in First grade through Confirmation in our combined program that works with St. Stephen and St. Joseph. For all of us, of course, each day is an opportunity to grow ever closer to the Lord and increase our understanding of the faith. No matter our age, we work at growing in and deepening our relationship with the Lord.
We can be excited about the first wedding of the year here at St. Peter Parish at the end of the month. As mentioned, I hope you have noticed the wedding banns in the bulletin and are praying for these couples. Later in the Summer and into the Fall, there will be weddings at St. Casimir and St. Peter.
On April 30th, you may notice students from Newman Catholic High School at St. Peter Church for a retreat day. Keep them in prayer that day as they make special time to step away from academics and focus on the spiritual. May they feel the guidance of the Holy Spirit nudging them with direction and clarity for challenges they face as young adults.
The priests of the Diocese are doing the same as they will be on retreat from April 22-26 in Oconomowoc. As I took part in an 8- day Ignatian retreat in the Fall, I will be around and available to help with some great activities at St. Adalbert Parish that week. As busy as things are now in April, I believe they will continue into May as we will welcome our new Bishop Gerard Battersby when he is installed on the 20th of May. There definitely is much going on and much to pray for.