The last few days I have been settling in and unpacking. Things are still in boxes and not where I thought I put them. So it will take some more time. Last week Friday also was a day to send off Fr. Joseph. Truly the end of an era. He has served our diocese for over 17 years and now begins a different chapter of life in India. I have also begun to meet people here and put some names and faces together. That will continue whether at meetings or at informal moments.

Wednesdays are a time for adoration each week. Coming as I did at the beginning of the month there is also adoration on First Fridays. It is wonderful to see people responding to that invitation to spend time with Jesus. There is a need for someone to always be there when Jesus is exposed in the monstrance. But I would encourage you to take whatever time you can and stop in and rest with the Lord, share with Him your day, trials and joys.

Adoration is an aspect of the National Eucharistic Revival that the Bishops are working on these next couple of years. Last year it began after Corpus Christi and will continue leading up to a National Eucharisitic Congress ( the first in 83 years in the US ). Then there is the missionary year that will follow. All of these things are being worked out and are a way of reaching out to help all Catholics grow in their faith and love of our Eucharistic Lord.

I don’t want to give you the idea that I like meetings nonetheless I am looking forward to my first Pastoral Council meeting. This council is meant to have the pulse of the parish so it will be a big help for me to come to know St. Peter parish better. This council sets goals and priorities for the hopes of the parish for long term building up of the Kingdom of God and the spreading of the Gospel to all who are a part of the parish. The Pastoral Council is meant to think big and plan opportunities for parish members to grow in the faith and thus strengthened, they can share the faith drawing others to Jesus.

Timing wise I will have already met with the Finance Council and Buildings and Grounds. These two groups are so important to the physical aspect of our parish. The members are to be witnesses of how to be good stewards of what is entrusted to us. In the end it is not ours, we can not claim ownership but we are responsible for this patrimony that has been handed on to us.

Of course there are other groups and committees that are a part of the parish I am not even aware of yet. Let alone so many individuals who do so much for our parish. It will take a little time for me to be with each one and meet those who are a part of these wonderful means of service. I can say the same for St. Casimir as these councils and committees do not meet as often, nonetheless your volunteering shows your love of the parish.

In the end it is all about Jesus, who said “I have come to serve and not be served” and “not my will but yours be done.” Not easy statements to live out in today’s world of “it’s all about me and what I want done according to my will.”

Hence the need to settle in and take time with Jesus in the most Holy Eucharist.

St. Peter and St. Casimir, pray for us!