This summer when the priests met for Priest Unity Days before the ordination a short presentation was made on Magdala Grove. It is a way of covering priests, deacons and other leaders in the church in prayer. It was started by a woman who wanted to pray for vocations and priests but with a young family felt there was no time for “meaningful” prayer. As I begin my pastorate here at St. Peter and St. Casimir, I know I can use all the prayers that people can offer. So should a woman at either or both parishes feel moved to do that please go to find out more and what it means at

I know that many people are good and kind and after an event or at home have made some treats of any kind, think of dropping some off at the rectory. As much as I love sweets, I ask please, please do not drop them off. I would be too tempted and the doctor has already warned me about my blood sugar and prediabetes. Thanks for your thoughtfulness.

Reflecting on priests, I encourage you to pray for vocations to the priesthood here in our diocese and from our parish.  A great event each summer is Priests for Tomorrow. This happens on July 30. To be a part of it please contact the vocations office and make your arrangements to be there for a great meal, time with our seminarians, the newly ordained priests, and the many people from around the diocese that support vocations all year long.

 Just looking ahead, for the coming weeks, I will be having my classmate up for a few days (he will be able to get out of the Kansas summer heat) and we will be able to spend a few days at my brother’s cabin. Later in September I have a wedding out of town and I am looking at arranging an eight day Ignatian retreat. As if getting settled in is not enough!

 In the United States we are in the middle of the National Eucharistic Revival. Perhaps that thought does not mean much or you may wonder what does that mean? This time is one to grow deeper in our faith, especially our understanding and relationship with our Eucharistic Lord. There is an app for this revival. There are many resources available. This revival is meant to open our experience of Jesus and the gift of His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity that we receive at each Mass. It is a time to reflect on how do I prepare to receive such a gift and how do I give thanks to God for Himself.

So to help us look more deeply at what we are doing at Mass and the Mass itself, I will be offering parts of an article in the coming weeks that will help us reflect and perhaps even ponder the Mass. I will be taking Denis McNamara, Associate Professor at Benedictine College; his article titled “In the Form of a Sacrificial Meal:the Sacrifice of Calvary and the Sacrifice of the Mass.” The article in full was published in the Catechetical Review Magazine in April 2023. I hope this will stretch us all to grow in our love of Jesus and the importance of the Eucharist.

St. Peter & St. Casimir, pray for us.