Pray for Marriage

Marriage is the focus of the readings today. Genesis tells the story of God creating a suitable partner for the man and Jesus reminds the Pharisees of the design His Father created and His original intent for marriage; the union of man and woman as one flesh. We see that Read more…

The God of Plenty

We hear two stories today of multiplication of food. The first reading from 2 Kings describes the Prophet Elisha providing a meal for the people from a gift he had received as first fruits. No words of multiplication are given, yet the food is enough for the people in spite Read more…

Our Source of the Truth

In the first reading today, the Prophet Jeremiah warns those who were leading the people astray. “Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture, say the Lord.” Jeremiah lived in a tough time for Judea, the southern kingdom. Israel, the northern kingdom had been destroyed Read more…