Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I would suspect that a great percentage of the population would not argue with the fact that there is clearly evil in our midst.  Evil is defined as: “Profoundly immoral and wicked. Profound immorality and wickedness especially regarding a supernatural force.” It is certainly not difficult to see how our society and our world are going contrary to the way of God. There are so many ways in which our country in particular is going against God’s will for us. Besides the ways that have been mentioned in previous homilies, especially, one clear thing that is going on is the persecution of people of faith and those who tell the truth as it is. To tell the truth as it is is being able to speak the truth from God’s perspective.

In our first reading from the prophet Jeremiah, we hear of people conspiring against the prophet. They are conspiring against the prophet because he is exposing their evil ways. Early in the book of the prophet Jeremiah, God identifies two evils within the kingdom of Judea. In the first place, they abandoned God who was their source of life-giving water. Second, they dug out cisterns that could never hold water. These broken cisterns represent the earthly resources the kingdom preferred over seeking faith in God, something Jeremiah constantly urges. As people of faith, we should all urge each other toward the ways of faith. Even Jesus himself was challenged when he proclaimed his love and obedience to God his father. He even died on a cross because of it.

Does this battle over good and evil get discouraging at times? Yes. But God gives us plenty of help in this great battle. God helps us with the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit that gives us courage. God also gives us another gift which can be found in our second reading. In Paul’s letter to the Hebrews, we are told that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. The Saints are wonderful examples of those who courageously fought the good fight during their lives. Let each of us look up to them, so that we can continue this fight, and win it with love and goodness. Help us Lord to persevere, so that we can finish as victors in the race that is ahead of us. May the two great weapons of the rosary and chaplet help all evil to be overcome with good.

May God bless you all.

Fr. Todd Mlsna