In the Gospel passage today, Jesus speaks of many things. These could be considered wisdom sayings, in the tradition of the Jewish wisdom literature found in the Old Testament. Much of what he tells us is based on common sense. Unfortunately, common sense seems to be a rare commodity today.
Taken overall, the many sayings of Jesus in this passage point to the need to be genuine. We often are able to see other’s faults but are blind to our own. Jesus brings out this point when He states; “Why do you notice the splinter in your brother’s eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?” This exaggerated comparison is meant to open our minds to the need for self-reflection.
With the beautiful season of Lent beginning on March 6th, now is the perfect time of year to reflect upon this teaching. I challenge you to find a few minutes to sit in the presence of the Lord and ask Him for the grace to see yourself as He sees you. A perfect time for this reflection is during Eucharistic
Perhaps some spiritual reading is in order this Lent, or participation in a small group. There are many good books that can open your mind and heart to a stronger relationship with Jesus. I’ll be leading a small group discussion during Lent and invite anyone who is interested to attend. Our Lenten Mission will be held on March 11, 12, and 13th. Deacon Jim Trzinski will lead the mission this year. Mass will be offered Monday and Wednesday, and the Sacrament of Confession will be available on Tuesday and Wednesday. Whatever you decide to do this Lent, make sure you make an effort to draw closer to Jesus. Don’t let this season go by without making it special.
Jesus desires that we
Deacon Ray