Divine Mercy Sunday is a time to recall how God has shown His great mercy on all humankind. It is fitting to celebrate God’s mercy the Sunday following Easter when we are continuing to remember Jesus’ power over death and His saving works.
You may recall that Saint Pope John Paul II established the Feast of Divine Mercy and canonized St. Faustina in 2000. If you have read St. Faustina’s diary you have been provided with much spiritual fruit. This is not an easy read, but provides us with an understanding of how much Jesus desires us to draw close to Him and rely on His mercy. God’s mercy has been described as being unfathomable, a description that remains somewhat of a mystery to us as we are creatures who need to know dimensions.
Perhaps we may struggle to understand and accept God’s mercy because it is so different from how we humans show mercy to each other. We tend to be merciful when it suits us; in situations where we may benefit or have excess goods to share. God’s ways are very different from our ways. He shows mercy in spite of our faults and our sins. God gives mercy even when we are not deserving of it. He is always present to us, ready to give us the gifts we need, ready to love us and give us joy!
There is an old saying that goes; “You can’t give what you don’t possess.” If we have not accepted the love and mercy God wants to give us we are unable to give it to others. We won’t have a joyful nature unless we accept these pure and holy gifts from God. So spend some time this week reflecting on all the many gifts God has blessed us with. Then determine how you can be and instrument of God, one who is filled with Easter joy and full of God’s mercy!
May God bless you!
Deacon Ray