The reading from Revelation today speaks of a “new heaven and a new earth”. My Bible cautions readers that this book uses “extravagant symbolism”. The introduction to this last book of the Bible goes on to say that symbolic descriptions are not to be taken literally. So what can we take away from this reading? How should we interpret this? I believe we should focus on how we, as followers of Jesus Christ can change and shape the present world to be more Christlike. How we can be the hands and feet of Jesus helping to bring about the new heaven and new earth. When we live holy lives, dedicated to God, loving one another as Jesus commands in today’s Gospel, we can change the world! People who live differently than the norm get noticed! Those filled with God’s great unconditional love have an inner peace and joy; they have a glow about them. This is noticed and sought by others because they want this for themselves. We can light a fire of love in those around us by simply sharing God’s love with others. When we set out to imitate Jesus, empowered by His Holy Spirit, we become Christlike. We help in our own small way to bring about a new heaven and a new earth. “Behold, God’s dwelling is with the human race,” we also hear in Revelation . How blessed we are that God humbles Himself to dwell with. He is present to us in a special way in the sacraments. He showers us with His Divine Life; the grace so abundant in these encounters with the Living God. He is present in the tabernacle and in the monstrance where we can dwell with Him in adoration. He is present in each one of us. Through Baptism, He made us daughters and sons, and we carry forth His presence in the world. We have the power to change the world! Go forth, the Mass is ended! That is our call to spread the joy.
Go change the world!
Deacon Ray