The Apostles ask Jesus to increase their faith in the Gospel passage today. Jesus responds that even with a small amount of faith we can accomplish amazing things. We all too often believe we can’t do big things; we are simple followers of Jesus without the power to amaze.

I believe each of us has witnessed someone who seemed ordinary yet was able to do something never imagined possible. It is not always something big, but something few expected that person capable of. This is fitting for those who believe in Jesus, because He has done the hard work; He has won our salvation. He is the perfect example of one who was viewed in a poor way by the religious leaders of His day. They did not see in Him the Messiah, even though He performed many miracles, sometimes right in their midst. We, like St. Mother Teresa proclaimed, can do small things with love. When we do the everyday tasks with great love, they become works of great love and we become holy.

Perhaps it’s not the size of our faith, but what we do with this gift. We should want our faith to grow, we should work at this by reading scripture, attending the Eucharist and trying our best to live the blessings God gives us. But Jesus indicates even a small amount of faith is amazing.

So give thanks to God for the gift He has given us: Faith. Put this gift to work – share your faith with family, friends and co-workers. It’s a gift meant to be shared!

Deacon Ray

Categories: Deacon Ray