We don’t like anyone to tell us what to do or how to live our lives. That generalization seems to fit the current norm or our society. In spite of this, we are obliged to live according to many laws. The games we play all have a set of rules we must obey or we face a penalty or foul. Traffic laws have been put in place to protect motorists and pedestrians. And our legislatures pass laws to keep our society orderly and working. In spite of our reluctance to be told how to live, we accept many laws and rules.
In this weekend’s Gospel passage Jesus proclaims a set of laws based on the Ten Commandments. Jesus uses the authority of His Divinity to help us see the mind of God. The passage is from Matthew’s Gospel and follows Jesus establishing the Beatitudes, which are the foundation of His message and teaching. Jesus gives us a standard to live by, a way to live holy lives. Rather than object to His law we should read it closely and work hard to abide by it. Because while we accept the many laws and rules of society, Jesus’ law is much more important than any of these. The law He establishes, if lived well, will help strengthen our relationship with God. As the first reading from the Book of Sirach states; “If you choose you can keep the commandments; they will save you.” We should always work on our relationships, striving to be close to those who love us. And no one loves us more than God!
We are only ten days from the start of the Lenten Season. Now is the time to start thinking about how we will spend these forty days. Perhaps it is time to reflect upon our relationship with Him and ask ourselves some hard questions; if I were to die today would I be in good standing with God? If not, then take the action needed to correct the situation. Make a good confession after a good examination of conscience based on the Ten Commandments. If you feel you are living a good and holy life that’s great; now share your blessings of faith with others. God’s gift of faith is not meant to be kept to ourselves, rather it is to be given away.
Jesus’ new law is meant to bring us closer to God, so read this passage again and reflect on how you are living these standards.
God bless you,
Deacon Ray