During this Pandemic time, as Catholics, you have missed going to the Church for Mass. Nevertheless, some of you would have watched the live-streamed Mass. But the children would not have enjoyed watching the Mass. This situation may gradually lead the children to forget about the practices of faith. If the parents would maintain a Catholic atmosphere at home, this would remind the children to grow in their faith. Here below, let me suggest simple ways, you could fulfill this:


The symbol of our faith is the Cross and it is the instrument of our salvation. Fixing the Crucifix in a prominent place at home may serve as a daily reminder of the gift of Jesus Christ for our sake.

Sacred Statues or Images:

Another great visual reminder of faith is a Sacred image, statue, or painting. The images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus or of the Blessed Virgin Mary or of the Saints are helpful to recall the one who is imaged and to grow in the faith. The images and icons mediate the presence of the glorified Saint, who is in heaven with Christ, so that through their intercession, the family can fix the mind on heaven and strive to attain it.


Praying rosary is simple, which anyone can pray at any time. While praying the Rosary, we reflect on the events of the Salvation History, which Jesus Christ performed for us. On Mondays and Saturdays, we reflect on the Joyful Mysteries; on Tuesdays and Fridays we reflect on the Sorrowful Mysteries; on Wednesdays and Sundays on Glorious Mysteries and on Thursday we reflect on the Luminous Mysteries. The prayer “Hail Mary …” is composed of the words addressed by Angel Gabriel to Mary at the Annunciation. From the moment of her “yes” to God, Our Blessed Mother has been the most efficient intercessor for all of our needs. Hence praying the Rosary is a simple but powerful practice of prayer.

God bless you

Fr. Arul Joseph V.