Happy Easter. Easter is a glorious event we celebrate, in order to commemorate the fact that Jesus passed from death to life and completed His Mission of reconciling us with God. It is for this that the Word took flesh, suffered and died. It is unfortunate that this year, we are not able to come together physically to celebrate this glorious event. Nevertheless, much more than the physical gathering, I believe in our spiritual union, since The Risen Lord shares His life with us, wherever we are. Gathered together spiritually in this faith, let us celebrate this year the gift of life that the Risen Lord has blessed each of us with.
The Resurrection of Jesus from the dead is not merely an annual celebration of a historical fact; but it is also a mystery, that we are to live every day. The power of this Holy Mystery is at work in us throughout our whole life. It is through this life that we pass from sin to grace and finally from grace to glory. Just as it is necessary for us to be born with Jesus at Christmas, it is necessary for us at Easter that we rise up with Jesus from the tomb of sin to the glorious life of grace.
This year, as we are passing through a challenging and uncertain time, because of COVID-19, let us be strengthened in this faith, rather than being confused in the midst of distressing isolation. Even in the midst of the present deadly situation, it is the hand of Jesus that lifts up the poor, feeds the hungry, shelters the homeless and takes care of those who are sick. It is in this way; we give witness to the mystery of Jesus living among us and it is in this sense that we become the Body of Christ for the world.
On this glorious occasion of Easter, joined together with our Parish Staff, I extend to you our prayerful wishes. May The Risen Lord fill you and family members with His heavenly peace. At this moment, I extend also my appreciation and thanks to all who continue to contribute to the Church, even during this difficult time. I thank also all those who helped me for live-streaming the services during the Holy Week.
God bless you all
Fr. Arul Joseph V.