Cordial welcome to all our Parishioners and guests for the Weekend Masses, free from any restrictive practices, which we have unfortunately experienced for more than a year. Thank God, we are able to come together again as God’s family to worship and pray together in the Holy Mass. Moving forward, I would like to bring the following points for your kind attention:
- Missalettes: as before, during pre-covid time, we keep the Missalettes inside the racks on the pews for your easy access to use them for singing and for the prayers during Mass. You may not find enough copies right now, since for the last one year, we ordered only a limited number of copies. Now that more Parishioners are returning to the Church, additional copies have been ordered beginning August. If you have any personal concern in using the Missalette, you may continue to use the bulletin or use one Missalette as your personal copy and bring it every time when you come for Mass. Your active participation during Mass in praying and singing together is more important.
- Lay Ministers: During pandemic, we were required to limit the number of the Lay Ministers, such as Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers and Altar Servers. Now it is time, to begin scheduling them. All those who would like to continue the ministry and those who would like to become new Lay Ministers, please call the Parish office (at No. (715) 344-6115) or send an email to expressing your willingness. Your service will be much appreciated. Please be courageous to come forward to serve as a Lay Minister. Before you begin your ministry, we will refresh you with necessary protocols.
- Offertory Collection: We are now using a new collection basket with long stick-handles, in order to avoid touching of many hands by passing from one person to another. You may drop your offering to God either in the basket or into the slot of the wooden boxes kept at the entries. Your generous support is essential for maintaining the Church and the Parish. I deeply appreciate your generous and consistent contribution during struggles of the past year.
- Special Collections: We will begin to have special collection as indicated below for a specific purpose:
- 1st full weekend of the month non perishable food for the poor and needy
- 2nd full weekend of the month Milk money for Operation Bootstrap.
- 3rd full weekend of the month second collection to make up for the DAA (Diocesan Annual Appeal) target shortfall.
- Scrip: The Scrip sale is a big help in supporting the Catholic School system. I must thank those who purchased Scrip during pandemic by stopping in at the Parish office or calling ahead to order the cards. We will soon begin to sell Scrip in Faustina Room before and after the weekend Masses. As we are working on scheduling, we need more sellers willing to serve once or twice a month. Please call the Parish office directly to express your willingness or contact Dawn Weber, who coordinates Scrip sale.
Finally, please understand that we are in a transition period. After so many months, we are happy to come and worship as Parish family. Let us reinforce our faith by way of welcoming and greeting one another as God’s children. It would be greatly appreciated, if you would volunteer to serve as a Lay Minister or to become part of the cleaning group or fund-raising committee. Let us bear witness to our faith, by committing ourselves to any one of the services.
God bless you
Fr. Arul Joseph V.