It is time for me to give my appreciation and to express my sincere thanks to the Coordinator, Chairpersons of the Committees, Volunteers and the contributors of time, talent and treasure. “Thanks very much” for all these wonderful persons, who have been working hard to make our Parish Picnic a successful event.
Going around and observing each of the locations, I was amazed at the dedication of the chair-persons and the volunteers, who helped them. I want to gratefully state that our picnic would not have come together the way it was, without your hard-work and sacrifice. The coordinator of all the events, the people who set-up everything before and disassembled at the end of the picnic, cooked and served the food, conducted the games, those who brought bakery items, those who helped to clean up and all the donors for clubs, silent auction, baskets for small raffle and cherry tree, and all others who contributed in one way or other deserve our thanks and appreciation.
Without any hesitation, I would say, “What a wonderful Parish-family we are!” When I walked around, I was convinced that by lending a hand to one another using our time, talent and treasure, we could build up the Kingdom of God in the modern world.
Finally, I want to thank the Picnic Committee: You were such dedicated people of our Parish, thanks to your hard-work, everything went well.
This weekend is FATHER’S DAY. Hence, I offer my prayers and wish the Lord’s blessings for all the fathers.
May God bless one and all.
Fr. Arul Joseph V.