“In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son … He reflects the glory of God and bears the very stamp of his nature …” (Hebrews 1:1-3).



Christmas is very popular, because we enjoy gifts. Our Advent Season of waiting gives way to the joy of Christmas that we experience in the Solemn Christmas Mass with carols, the precious time with friends and family, a good meal, and in unwrapping Christmas gifts. Above all these, the greatest joy of Christmas is the gift of Jesus Christ, who overwhelms our heart with his love and peace.


In the midst of many challenges and concerns which we face in our life, the love of God, the Father, is manifested to us in the glorious gift of Jesus Christ. Our heart is, hence, moved to sing with the angels: “Glory to God in the highest and peace to His people on earth.”


For some reasons, many individuals and families have not been to the Holy Mass or to any Sacraments for months and years. Christmas offers an opportunity for them to renew the spiritual relationship with the Lord and with the Parish Community. I extend an open and wholehearted welcome to all of you. I invite you to come and join us to celebrate this Christmas with joyful heart and renewed faith.


Finally, I like to express my profound joy and the best wishes to all the members of our Parish community for a Holy and Blessed Christmas. May Our Lord, Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem, bless you, your families and loved ones at this blessed time of grace. May Mary, the Mother of Jesus and our Mother, and St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, watch over you and our St. Peter Parish.


Wishing you Merry Christmas,

Fr. Arul Joseph V.