Dear Parishioners,

Reflecting upon this past year, I would like to state that we have received many blessings as a Parish: so many volunteers who have assisted at various ministries and services; the dedication of the individuals and pious associations, who have enabled us to hold various events; generous contributions towards the financial support of the Parish, etc.

Thanks to your support, we have completed various much needed repairs and improvements in the Church, in Kolbe Hall kitchen, in Faustina room for replacement of carpeting and in the School building. All these blessings are sign of the living and sharing of your faith to make this Parish a beacon of Christ’s love. I am so grateful for your support. In particular, I am grateful to all those who serve in various Ministries and Parish Committees. As your Pastor, I treasure the gift of your dedication, sacrifices, and hard work that you have shown.

Now I look forward to many such blessings in 2020. In our plan we have two major projects for this year: replacement of the boilers in the Church basement and cleaning of Church interior walls, ceiling and painting. Your positive spirit has been manifested on every occasion, when there was a need for repair and improvement in our Church. I hope that The Lord will inspire and encourage the best from each one of you to share your time, talent and treasure, and thus increase your awareness of and responsibility to share the mission of Christ.

Finally, I wish you all, on behalf of our Deacon Ray Heitzinger and Parish Staff, a blessed and happy New Year. Please be assured of my prayers for all your intentions at the Holy Mass on January 1, 2020. May Our Lord accompany and bless every step you take during this New Year.

Happy New Year

Fr. Arul Joseph V.