Sacrament of Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation is the second Sacrament of Christian initiation. It is called Confirmation, because, it confirms and strengthens the life of grace, received through Baptism (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1285). Through Confirmation, Catholics receive a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, who gives the recipients the increased ability to practice the Catholic Faith in every aspect of his/her life and to witness Christ in every situation. It is an important Sacrament in the Catholic Church because a teenager/adult receives the Holy Spirit and becomes a “soldier of Christ”. This Sacrament is usually conferred by the Bishop by anointing with Sacred Chrism oil and by the laying on of the hand; the Bishop can also get the assistance of a priest to anoint the candidates.

Since Baptism is administered to a baby, Confirmation is a great way for a teenager or adult to acknowledge that he/she has to continue the journey of faith with God and grow in relationship with Him. Thus, the Sacrament of Confirmation helps a person to remain faithful to his/her baptismal commitment to bear witness to Christ and to serve others.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are strengths that a Catholic requires to live the life of faith fruitfully. Thus, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Counsel, Fortitude, Piety and Fear of The Lord are divine helps, without which it is difficult to fulfill the Baptismal calling. Being sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, one is strengthened for ongoing service in the Body of Christ, the Church, and in the World, bearing witness to the faith in word and deed (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church no.1316). Thus, Confirmation is not only an anointing but also a commissioning to live out the faith in the world, promoting the life and dignity of every human person.

God bless our teenagers and adults,

Fr. Arul Joseph V.