I am happy that we could achieve great success by shouldering responsibility to organize an event like “Indian Buffet Dinner” held on Sunday, Oct.14th.
Just as our Parish Picnic was organized by Larry Proulx, the Fund-raising events were organized by Gene & Nancy Kemmeter for many years. When they expressed their inability to carry out this responsibility anymore, I was praying to God to send me good and responsible persons. Thanks to God, Joe Niescior came forward to chair the Picnic Committee; together with him were Jim Gies, Mary Skrzeczkoski and Gerry Weber to be co-responsible for the Parish Picnic. They achieved it to the satisfaction of every one.
In the same way God answered my prayers by inspiring Paul & Nancy Koch to take responsibility for the Fund-raising event. Together with them, those who formed the Committee were: Amy & Morgan Rechner, Fay Schultz, Marianne Koch, Debbie Jakusz, Cherye Rolnicki. Their hard work was much appreciated by all those who came to eat the Indian Buffet Dinner on Sunday.
Now I would like to thank everyone who joined hands and volunteered their time and talent, in order to work together and to bring the event to a great success. So many happy faces seen during the dinner, indicated that the people really appreciated the food, games, video, refreshments and friendship.
I would like to thank also everyone who contributed with private donations and those who committed their time in preparation and clean-up, the volunteers who assembled the raffle baskets, helped wait tables, wash dishes and serve at the bar and buffet. I appreciate your kind service to the parish. This was a group effort to be very proud of! THANK YOU ALL!!
God bless you for your good works
Fr. Arul Joseph V.