I would like to share with you an article, which I read on the Vatican Website. I feel that it is an important article, which would help families with young people:
I would like to share with you an article, which I read on the Vatican Website. I feel that it is an important article, which would help families with young people:
September brings with it more regular meetings on many levels. Being involved means that I am never bored. My priest group will be meeting this Monday and Tuesday to prepare our calendars for the upcoming Read more…
Walk a Half-Mile or More with Jesus: Monday, June 10ALL are WELCOME to the National Eucharistic Procession beginning at 2:00PM at the Park and Ride at the corner of Heritage Drive/Draxler’s Drive (South of Kwik Trip/Marshfield). Transportation, leaving from Read more…
As many of you know, this weekend is officially my last weekend, as your Pastor, to celebrate the Masses and complete my ministry at St. Peter and St. Casimir Parishes. Though my ministry officially ends Read more…