The Catholic Church celebrates this Sunday as Divine Mercy Sunday. It was first established by Pope St. John Paul II at the Canonization of St. Faustina on April 30, 2000. His successor, Pope Benedict XVI emphasized the importance of the Divine Mercy stating that it is an integral dimension of a Christian’s faith and prayer.

On this Sunday the Catholics are expected to reflect and praise the “merciful and gracious Lord (Psalm 111:4), who, out of great love with which He loves us (Ephesians 2:4), … gave us His Only-begotten Son as our Redeemer…”

The Divine Mercy Sunday has become important, because Jesus told St. Faustina that it was His desire that we celebrate this special feast. St. Faustina has written in her diary, as having heard what Jesus spoke to her: “On that day the very depths of My Tender Mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon these souls who approach the Fount of My mercy [the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist] … Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet…” Through His Mercy, we receive a new source of joy, a new relationship with Him.

Sacred Heart Parish in Polonia is having a special celebration with Adoration after the Mass till 3:30 p.m. with possibilities to make confession. If you have some free time, you could go experience the Divine Mercy.


God bless you

Fr. Arul Joseph V.