Being a father calls for many challenges and hardships, which every dad bears with pride and happiness. Your dad has been your first friend who has always been with you, no matter what. He is the one person who has bestowed you with unconditional love and care, without asking for anything in return. When it comes to the relationship you share with your father, there are absolutely no strings attached. He may not show, but he is always there for you, with his unwavering support and assistance. How often do you take out time to whisper a silent prayer to God for the health and happiness of this special person in your life? Most of you would prefer not to answer the above question. This Father’s Day, take it as an opportunity to seek blessings for your father, with a special prayer of gratitude as in the following lines:
God our Father,
In your wisdom and love, you made all things.
Bless those fathers who have taken upon themselves,
the responsibility of parenting.
Bless those who have lost a spouse to death … or divorce
who are parenting their children alone.
Strengthen them by your love that they may be and become
the loving, caring persons they are meant to be.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
May God bless all the fathers
Fr. Arul Joseph V.