Part Three: Liturgy of the Eucharist:

Following the response of the assembly to the invitation of the priest to proclaim the Mystery of Faith saying, “We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again”, the priest continues to pray as the presider of the assembly.

Prayer for unity and intercession:

This is the moment of the Mass, we are to put our heart and soul into acts of faith, love and adoration, because Jesus Christ is substantially present on the altar. Yes, Jesus Christ, with his divinity and humanity, is really present, just as he was present and offered himself for us on the cross. We should love to be beside him, just as Our Blessed Mother and St. John were present beside the cross on Calvary.

The Holy Mass is never a private action, even if a very few people or even if only one person or not even one person is present. It is a celebration of the entire Church. The prayer brings to our mind the presence of the communion of saints, which includes the angels and the saints.

We also pray that we may be gathered into one Body and Spirit by the Holy Spirit. We pray for the Pope, for the bishop of the local diocese, we pray for the living and deceased members. We pray especially for ourselves that through the intercession of the saints, we may one day arrive at the heavenly table, of which this table is only a foretaste.

In conclusion, we look forward to the glorious day raising our voices with those of angels and saints saying: “Through him, and with him, and in him, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, for ever and ever”. Our “Amen” to this prayer of glory and doxology acclaims our assent.

To be continued,

Fr. Arul Joseph V.